Kiev, Ukraine
Last week a missile dropped in a residential section of Kiev. You can see the size of the crater and how much damage bombs like this can do to damage buildings. In the very first of the clip a house is shown, and Believers live there. In the same compound is a small church that was completely untouched by the bomb blast, about 300 feet from the crater! The Believers meet in that church weekly. I have ministered in that Church before, as have several other ministers from the US and Canada. I am so thankful that He is watching over Believers in Ukraine during this very difficult time. Please remember them in prayer.
Bro. Barry Coffey
Note From Bro. Barry:
Update on Ukrainian Flood. I am receiving reports from people in Ukraine and we are continuing to assist them as needs arise. I talked to sister Inna D. from Tavriysk. It’s a couple miles upstream from the destroyed Kakhovka dam. Her town was not affected, but there is a possibility of drinking water shortage. There is 1 believer in Oleshky. It’s one of the most flooded villages. Most of the buildings are flooded. But by the grace of God our brother’s house is not. Brother Yuriy is also safe. We’ll keep in touch with local believers to help with their their needs.
We are still sending funds monthly to the remaining Believers who are living in Ukraine. Here are a few of their responses:
Precious brothers and sisters, thank you for your service. Brother Barry Coffey, your assembly, and all the brothers and sisters. Thank you for your monetary support for us here in Ukraine. May God bless you and fill all your needs. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God be glorified in your life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
We thank the Saints in the U.S. for their financial help during this difficult time in Ukraine. May God reward you a hundredfold.
Thank you, brothers and sisters. My testimony for the glory of God. I was on my way to work this morning and was thinking about my need to money money for medical treatment by the end of May, and I don't know where to get it. I told myself that God would take care of it. I turn on my cellular Internet, and instantly I receive a message that a money transfer has arrived! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
Note Of Thanks From Ukraine:
Greetings, dear brothers and sisters. My name is Sister Julia. I am from a city called Avdiivka in the Donetsk region. Since 2014, there has been serious fighting going on in this area. The city has been severely damaged, houses destroyed, and no work is available. We had to flee the city because it was unbearable to live there, and we had to keep our children safe. However, thanks to God, we were able to relocate to a safer place. We moved to the Odessa region to the city of Chernomorsk. Now, we live together with my brothers, sisters, my mother, and other relatives. I would like to thank you for your financial support which is very necessary at this time. Without the Lord and your help, it would be impossible to survive, as we are without jobs. There is no assistance from the government, and we cannot cross the border because our husbands and other brothers can get drafted into the army. The Lord has not forsaken us. Likewise, we cannot leave our husbands. So, we are very thankful for your help. For us it means a lot. Jobs are very few in this area and in general the conditions are very difficult in Ukraine. So, may the Lord bless and strengthen you. Thank you for everything, and glory be to God!
Bro. Vladimir Ryabov
Pastor Vladimir Ryabov in Donetsk, Ukraine:
Greetings, Brother Barry. I know you're always interested in what's going on with us. So I thought I would write a few lines.
There are 80 of us still left in the church. Two received water baptism after the new year. We have meetings regularly, on Sunday and Wednesday. We used to have a prayer meeting on Friday, but we don't have it in the church now because of the situation. But on Friday night we have a prayer hour in our homes. Everyone is at home with their families to pray.
Since last October, the city began to be heavily bombarded. Almost every day we hear explosions and we often drive by these places where the missiles hit. But thank God all the believers are alive and all is well. We live day by day. There is a lot of fighting going on around the city.
So these are not easy times. But the Lord is good, He embraces us with His Word and there is no fear. You reevaluate a lot in such circumstances.
We know there are many believers praying about this situation and we feel it and are thankful for God's family. Brother Barry, greetings to your congregation and those you have fellowship with.
Those families you helped to leave, they are doing well. They are very much looking forward to coming home and they miss the church. And we're really looking forward to their return. Thank you for your help. They and their children are safe now. As I look at what's going on, I thank God that He helped through you. We always remember that.
Brother Anatoly and Sister Luba (City of Krivoy Rog):
Dear brothers and sisters! Thank you so much for your help and financial support at such a difficult time for us. We thank the Lord and pray for you. God's blessings upon you, your homes, and your churches. May our Lord keep, strengthen and support us with His Spirit, His Love, and hold us in His strong hand.
Brother Anatoly:
God bless you, brothers and sisters. I thank the Lord for you, beloved ones, that you are so mindful of us and our needs. Your work will not be fruitless. With love, brother Anatoly.
Sister Valya (City of Krivoy Rog):
May God richly bless all the brothers and sisters around the world for helping Ukraine. May He reward you a hundredfold. Amen.
The Muts Family (City of Krivoy Rog):
Dear brothers and sisters. From our family in Ukraine, the city of Krivoy Rog, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help, which was always on time. Everyone who participated in supporting the Ukrainians in this difficult time, special thanks from all of us. And may our Blessed Father bless all your needs and heart desires. May God bless you.
Note from a Believer:
Blessings to all who empathize and through whom the Lord cares for us.
Note from a Believer:
Thank God that He puts love and care for one another in our hearts. We thank Him for you, brothers and sisters, for sending us help at this difficult time. You are mindful of us. We are separated by thousands of miles. This is our Lord, this is His life within us. Glory to him forever and ever. Amen!
We were so honored to have Bro. Kostya Timechenko and his family come visit us yesterday. Bro. Kostya shared news on the situation in Ukraine and his personal account of the recent events there. He has been instrumental in spreading funds throughout Ukraine to the Believers in need these last few months. Hearing his firsthand experience was deeply moving. You can view the service on our archives page. Please continue to pray for these Believers, they are still facing such difficult circumstances!
Bro. Barry and Bro. Kostya
Sis. Becky, Bro. Barry, Bro. Kostya and his wife
Bro. Tim, Bro. Igor, Bro. Kostya, and Bro. Aaron
Bro. Barry, Bro. Tim, Bro. Aaron, Bro. Igor, Bro. Kostya and his wife and daughter
Testimony From The Rybalchenko Family:
I believe in miracles and I'd like to share this testimony as a reminder of God's grace and love to us. Today we had to go and pick up some documents in downtown Donetsk. Due to the latest events, it is not preferred to go downtown because of the war, but we had to. From the place where we live, there are two ways to get there. The shorter route and the longer route. Usually, just like anyone else, we have gone the shorter route to our destination. But today we did a big loop by taking the longer route. Why? I don't know, just my husband felt on his heart to do that. When we got home a few hours later, we received the terrible news. Right during that time when we should have been driving near the Babinski Comisars Square, a shell landed there. Thirteen people had died. God has kept us!! That's the miracle that happened today!! Once more, God has shown that He protects us. It means our journey on earth is not yet finished and there is something for us to do still!!
The Rybalchenko children
Note From Bro. Barry:
In the news, we are hearing about the progress of the Ukrainian forces against Russian aggression. There are reports of the “blue and yellow flag” being raised in areas where the Russian army took control. Does this mean that the war is over, or that things are back to normal for the Ukrainian people? Definitely not. I have been in touch with Believers in the East of Ukraine (Donetsk, Zaporozhe, and the Donbas region). Once the headlines in our media shift to “newer” stories, many people assume things must be better, or not as critical as before. The Believers there tell a different story. I have edited some of their comments below and these are reports from people inside Ukraine and from those who have families there.
In their words to me, the Russians lost major battles in the South and as a result the Ukrainian army took the entire Kharkiv region back. Russian army slightly pushed front line to the west from Donetsk. But still bombs are randomly landing all over the city (Donetsk). The Believers there are all accounted for, but there is an acute water shortage. Incredibly, they still have services twice a week. Things have changed in Kharkiv, there are a few Believers remaining there and I was told that they have been without power. There is no water (already for 6.5 month) and no electricity [since] the end of August.
The Russian government changed phone numbers, internet connections and banking so there are constant problems with communication. We have problems with food in some regions, especially West Donetsk. Yes, it is true, they [Russians] have started to return some territory back. I spoke with friend of mine who is in touch with Believers there, and he simply said: “The situation is terrible there at the moment.” More and more families are attempting to leave the country because of the onset of winter and they have no money and there are still no jobs in Ukraine.
Most of the foreign aid coming into the country is for the military effort, but normally what is left behind are towns that are destroyed, without a working infrastructure (water, power, internet, schools, working hospitals, police or local government). When you pray, and feel free to pass along this report to others, ask them to pray for the Believers who are left in Ukraine.
Note From Ukraine:
Greetings to our brothers and sisters, the ministry of brother Berry Coffee and brother Sergey Luzanov. Here is our little church, we have received your financial blessing that was sent. We thank you and ask that God blesses you richly. We thank you for your care and the gospel that you profess, not only with words, but with life. Please greet all your Saints on our behalf, we thank you and ask that God bless you.
We hug you all with brotherly love! Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Thank you for your kind hearts.
Note From Brother Oleg Petrenko:
"Greetings, Brother Sergey and the saints who are with you. Thank you, Brother Sergey, that you are not forgetting us. From the bottom of our hearts, my family thanks you for the offering of grace. I got a job making pillars and plates out of concrete. Then, I injured my tendons and stayed home for a week. My hands are still in pain, and I will be looking for another job. This help was very timely and important to my family. May the Lord reward you for your kindness, we will return the favor through prayer. May God richly bless and keep you."
Brother Oleg and his family.
Note From Brother Eugene:
"Our family, Eugene, Anna, and Daniel Krizhanovski. We are expressing our great gratitude to all the brothers that are working together to support us financially. It is a blessing to us in such a hard time as this. Glory to God for such brothers. Many thanks from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless and keep each one of you."
Brother Eugene and his family.
Note From Bro. Barry:
Below are two new reports from Ukraine, they give you a real idea of the need the Believers have. With rising prices and less money to distribute, the need is serious. These two reports are given to me by one brother inside Ukraine and one who is on our team of Brothers (USA) who are directly sending funds for me. God bless.
Note From Brother In U.S:
Greeting brother Berry. We have already sent $4000 of our personal funds, as they need to be distributed. Life in Ukraine is getting more expensive, before we sent money to be divided 1000 hryvnias per person (that's about $30), but by today's prices that is even less. Therefore, as of today we send 1500 hryvnias per person and that is less than $50, but prices for everything in Ukraine are higher than here. If possible, please send $10000, so that we have some for backup. We would like to know, so we can inform the believers ahead of time of how long you will be able to support them. Everyone understands very well that this help will not go on forever. Praise the Lord for your works.
Note From Bro. Kostya:
Greetings dear brothers and sisters, to everyone and those who live in the United States! My name is Kostya (Constantine) TimOshenko. I help to direct the funds in Ukraine. First of all, I would like to express, from the bottom of my heart, my great appreciation for the countless amount of help to the believers here. We have over 120 families on our list. As of today, there has been sent more than one million grivnas to the brothers and sisters all across Ukraine. For many, it was a matter of life and death. We have been distributing the funds for nearly 100 days. So I would like to draw a certain conclusion. The assistance was priceless and it helped many. Some escaped the hot zones where today there are many bomb shellings and missile attacks. We are assisting those who have lost their jobs and don't have any means to survive. There are very few people in Ukraine who can work full time. There is no pay to support the families. The assistance is provided not only for basic food necessities, but for many, this was also assistance for medical procedures. And in this difficult time in Ukraine when there had been no other source to take from, this has been a tremendous help. I would like to say again, this was a tremendous help. Certainly, we are thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ that He has put the burden in your heart to provide this timely help. This was very timely. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to record a video or take a photo. The younger generation left the country. The majority of people that stayed behind are elderly people. Until now, many still use press-button phones. But, I can surely say, that each one who has received help, they are deeply grateful and are praying for you. They thank the Lord that you provide such an assistance to them. This is a great help for these families. So, on their behalf, I would like to salute you and give you thanks for all of your sacrifices. I realize that for each one of you, it is a sacrifice. It is something that you took away from your family to help those that are now in need. I would like to sincerely say, "Many thanks to each one who is participating." It does not matter what amount each one has offered. Even the smallest participation in the needs of the Saints in Ukraine, it is a great blessing to them. May the Lord provide for all of your needs. Greetings from everyone here to you. God's blessings. God be with you.
Bro. Vladimir
Note From Bro. Vladimir (Donetsk, Ukraine):
Greetings brother Barry. I would like to give you a brief summary of our situation and circumstances. Right now, there are eighty believers in our church, including six children whose parents are not ready to leave yet. The rest of the families with children have left, along with some brothers for whom it was unsafe to be in town. We hold church services regularly on Wednesdays and Sundays, but not Fridays as we used to, due to safety reasons. Also, because public transportation is unpredictable in the evenings. Constant fightings around the city, we continuously hear shooting and explosions. Some believers live near areas of battles, and some have been staying in the tabernacle. Our sister’s house was hit, causing some destruction, but we have not been able to inspect the damage as it is very dangerous. She lives in church now. All is well, we gather together, see and understand the fulfillment of prophesies, Scripture, and the Message. We are greatly thankful to the Lord that the Word is already in our hearts, and with it nothing can do any harm to our souls. In the midst of this chaos, and the world falling apart, we are already looking beyond the curtain, expecting the full Redemption, so there is no fear. Certainly, if it becomes too bad, all of us may need to relocate, but as for now we are all here. Brother Barry, thank you very much for the financial support, without it I do not know how we would survive. You have rescued many families, and they are safe now, the Lord is taking care of them. They live close by believers, no matter what country. Some of them you will meet at brother Johansen’s church in Norway. Thank you, brother Barry. Brother Sergey has notified me that he already transferred another portion of funds, and today our brother will bring it. Brother Sergey has the details. Greeting to all believers and thank you from all of us for the brotherly love and involvement in the needs of the saints. Respectfully, brother Vladimir. Shalom!
This is one of the Ukrainian believers who regularly receives funds. His name is Victor. He used to live in Kherson, but had to move to Krivoy Roh as a refugee due to the war. He said a Ukrainian artillery system was positioned in his backyard. No way he could safely stay at his house.
He was an absolutely normal person, had a family and small child. After serving in the army something happened in his nerve system, now brother Victor is in a wheelchair, all his muscles are twisted. As a result his wife left him and took their child. Brother Victor’s sister is taking care for him now. Despite all of that, he remains a strong Christian, joyful and faithful. He sends greetings and appreciation for the funds he is receiving.
A Secret Rescue Out of Donetsk by Bro. Barry:
I want to share with you a “rescue” that has taken place over the past few weeks. I have not been able to say much about it because it could have jeopardized the safety of those involved. Much of the fighting in Ukraine has been concentrated towards the East. There were a group of Believers who were in the age group for the draft, 18-55. Most of them have families and small kids. The situation was becoming desperate with no way out of the city. The Lord had given Bro. Ryabov a Scripture, (Nehemiah 5:1-13) several months ago and He didn’t understand why it was given. The brothers met together for a prayer meeting and asked the Lord to provide a way out of the area for the families with young children. On Wednesday morning, a “gentleman” showed up at the Pastor’s house and offered to take the families out of the city through back roads and secret passages for $1000 per person. They used all the money in the church, and we were able to provide the balance to get them all out safely. Bro. Ryabov now understood why the Lord had given him this story from Nehemiah, (vs. 12: Then said they, We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest.”) It is like reading the Book of Acts all over again.
By His Grace all of them left Donetsk and are reunited with their families in Russia or Latvia. They all successfully crossed the border and are safe now. A handful of brothers are still in Donetsk, by their own choice. The rest of the Believers are Sisters or elderly brothers, and they are free to leave city without any restrictions. Believers whose houses are located too close to the frontline have moved to the church building and are safe. As for now 60-65 believers are still in Donetsk and they can have services in person. The Pastor, deacon, treasurer, song leader is in town and have no intention to leave now. God supernaturally gave this channel to flee from the city. And now it is over! The gentlemen who provided “a ride” informed us that this opportunity is over. What timing!!!
These families are currently in Riga, Latvia. But they can stay there only temporary. One local family care about them. But they are looking for place to stay permanently. If any of you know of places for these families to go, please let me know and I can put you in contact with those who are helping place the refugees who are Believers. Some are planning to emigrate to Canada and the US but they have to be inside the EU in order to apply. Some would like to stay in Europe.
Here is the list of families, a total of 28 people:
1. Family of 5. Brother Dima R.
2. Family of 5. Brother David R.
3. Family of 6. Brother Eugene A.
4. Family of 4. Brother Eugene K. (minister)
5. Family of 3. Brother Denis I.
6. 5 Young brothers (age 18-20)
Toys for children whose families fled from their homes
Believers in Ukraine
Brother Kostya preaching Sunday service. Brother Kostya is in charge of distributing funds
Brother Georgy, city of Krivoy Roh. Receiving a monthly supply of medicine. He has chronic asthma
Note From Family In Krivoy Roh
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We are thankful to God for the help that you have given us. God bless you. Hallelujah. Amen.
Note From Sister Elena
My dear brothers and sisters in this special time and from my entire family. My name is Elena Markelova. We are very thankful to God for you, your kindness and help. We are now one big family. Glory to God. Sister Elena Markelova. City of Krivoy Roh.
Note From Brother Taras
Greetings to everyone, may God bless you, we want to give thanks to God for every brother and sister who are supporting us with their prayers and sympathy, helping us financially, that is very precious and of great value in this difficult time of trials. But God who has permitted these trials is faithful and gives us also strength to endure it. He also said, "what you have done to the least if these, you have done unto me" so your sacrifice and help is all for God himself. May He bless you, Amen. Brother Taras and his family from Belgorod Dnestrovsk.
Note From Bro. Barry
This is a map showing the distribution of funds for the Believers still inside Ukraine. This is from one of our three groups who distribute funds within the region.
By His Grace we found new ways to send funds to Eastern Europe. We have consistent connections with believers in Ukraine. Meanwhile we had difficulties to send money to areas which are under control of Russian forces like Donetsk. It takes time and we were able to send just small amounts at a time. There was no way to support believers from Ukraine who fled into Russia. The Russian financial system is under European sanctions, all money transfers are blocked including Swift, MoneyGram, Western Union, etc. I’m excited to say that now we are able to send money through areas controlled by Russian forces including Donetsk and Crimea region using crypto currency exchanges. Through this, the Lord has provided a way to reach believers who are in need, no matter what territory they reside on. This provides instant transfers with reasonable fees. God bless you for your support.
The neighborhood of a Believer located near Kyiv
Note From Sister Svetlana From Furmonovka Village
Good evening brothers and sisters may God richly bless you and reward you for the help that you have given us in time of need. We will keep you in prayer also keep us in prayer and our families. Praise Be To God.
Note From Sister Karina from Furmonovka Village
Brothers and sisters I want to express my gratitude for all the help for the prayers and the funds. From my entire family we thank you and we thank the Lord. May He richly bless you for your help. Many thanks to you and all Glory be to God.
Sis. Karina's husband was drafted in the army and she is left with two children at home.
Note from Sis. Tatiana
This family has fled from central Ukraine (which was occupied by the Russian army) to Georgia, where they’re now staying with relatives. We have been successful in sending funds to them and they send their thanks and appreciation to all the Saints for their support.
Note from Sis. Ivanka
Sis. Ivanka sharing her gratitude for all the support she and her family have received from the Body of Christ.
Note from Bro. Mnac
Bro. Mnac in Ukraine sending his thanks to Believers for their support. He is originally from Armenia where the original Pentecostal revival in Russia began in the 1800’s. He is now pastoring a small group in Ukraine and we have been able to get support through to him over the past few weeks.
Bro. Mnac
Note From Bro. Visaly
God bless you, Bro. Barry,
Thank you from our hearts, may the Lord bless you. We have received the money transfer. Thank you so much for your help, may the Lord reward you many times more with His blessings.
With love, the Goray family.
Bro. Visaly Goray and his family
Bro. Barry:
This photo was taken in 2003 in Crimea. The person to my left is Bro. Valentin who was the pastor of the church in Alushta, Ukraine (now Russia.)
Bro. Barry,
We've gone a week without communication, can't even call. I've climbed on the roof so I can send this message. The help was very timely, believers are provided with food, homes are warm. The main problem now is communication.
Almost everyone in this region is without work, so we are very thankful for the support. If it wasn't for you, we would be starving by now. Groceries have gone up in price and are very hard to find, but the care of the believers from the US has provided for us.
God bless you brother Barry!
Just wanted to give you an update with how work is going with brothers Oleg and Kostya. They are making calls and transfers on the daily basis. Withdraw limits in that area changed recently and we immediately sent extra $3000. The brothers cash it out and keep it as an emergency fund in case we lose connection.
Sister Victoria R. from Zhytomyr bought food and household supplies at the local flea market. I recently shared pictures of food that sister Victoria R. from Zhytomyr bought. She has a neighbor lady whom she is witnessing to. This lady is pregnant and literally did not eat for the last 2 days. Sister Victoria could not stand it. Money we sent Sis. Victoria shared with this lady.
Sis. Victoria R.
God bless you all. First, I just want to appreciate all the prayers and concern for my last trip to Poland and Czech Republic. We have returned, and it was incredibly busy, but there was much to learn. It was a really moving experience to hear the testimonies of the Believers inside Ukraine. We interviewed four of the Sisters and the footage is now being processed into a short documentary so you can listen to them tell their own stories. I was so impressed with their faith and confidence towards God, and their supernatural experiences in making the journey to safety in strange lands. It was almost like stepping back into the WW2 era.
Naturally, I found out the ways that Ukrainian families in Poland were sending money and supplies into loved ones and husbands who are still unable to leave the country. I was able to get supplies physically into the country through one brother who will cross into Ukraine on Saturday for me. Money is still getting through, and I discovered new banking apps (that are not available to us) that successfully put money onto the phones of the Believers inside Ukraine. I am very thankful that we are still able to channel funds through respected ministers and faithful brothers on both sides of the border and into the hands of those who need it. I have included some photos of the market area of Uzgorod today, so you can get an idea of how shopping is done there. Food and products are still available; however, prices are rising. Sadly, the last clip has the air raid signal going off in Uzgorod, considered the safe area of Ukraine.
All Believers are out of Mariupol and have moved onto other cities. Many European nations are taking in refugees so the Believers will be scattered over a broad area. I would like to add a special prayer request for Bro. Vladimir Ryabov in Donetsk. They are experiencing a very difficult time with little food or water and forced conscription to the Russian armed forces where they would be ordered to fight Ukrainians. They have raised the age of conscription to 65 which would include most of the Believers there. Their situation is desperate, and we have been asked to pray for them specifically.
We will make the documentary available once it is complete. Please continue checking our website for updates. God bless you.
Bro. Barry
Second Mission Update given by Bro. Barry outlining the situation in Ukraine and the effect on Believers, as well as the ongoing efforts to assist them in the region.
Watch below or on YouTube here: Ukraine Believers Update 03/09
Mission Update given by Bro. Barry outlining the situation in Ukraine and the effect on Believers, as well as the ongoing efforts to assist them in the region. The situation is getting worse with each passing day. It is becoming more difficult to communicate and send needed funds to the ministers there. The situation is more desperate now.
Update from Bro. Barry:
This is a note from Bro. Ryabov in Donetsk. He is a real, true Pastor and has seen some very hard times in Donetsk. I am passing along his note as I have received it. We are so grateful to be able to still get funds through to him.
From Bro. Vladimir Ryabov:
Pastor of the church in Donetsk
It has been a month now since the beginning of the mobilization draft and you know how it has been a very difficult time for many. You cannot leave the city the borders are closed, only women and kids can exit the city.
There is no work and it's not really possible for brothers to work because men are being drafted from everywhere. The support from the believers is the only way families are coping with the situation and we all appreciate the assistance. The services are going in the same conditions as it was in the beginning of the pandemic. A very limited number of believers just so we could have the stream going and the rest connect from home. We stay in touch with the families and help with the funds you sent us, for some we have to go out and buy the groceries for them due to the circumstances. Surrounding Donetsk, there is heavy fighting. The outskirts of the city have been heavily damaged. All is well with the believers, though some live right on the outskirts of the city. And I have offered them to take shelter in the church building. But so far, some are still there and the Lord is keeping them. This is a time when we are earnestly praying one for another. Thank you Brother Barry for all that you are doing and to all the believers who are with you.
This is a family which fled to Kirovohrad from the very hot spot of war. We are able to channel some funds to them now. Please pray for them!
A message of thanks from Bro. Vlad, pastor in Uzgorod, Ukraine.
Service taking place in Uzgorod, Ukraine. Congregation is singing “My Hope Is In the Lord.”
Smoke rising above the city of Mariupol.
Bro. Ivanov cooking in the dark in the city of Mariupol during bombing raids.
Clockwise from left: Bro. Ivanov holding a remnant of a bombshell; Families in Mariupol; Family cooking over open fire in Mariupol.
These are families gathering snow to melt for water in Mariupol.
This is a youth service in Uzgorod, Ukraine.
This is a personal testimony and word of thanks from Eugene Boltenkov in Uzgorod to us for the support and concern shown towards him, his wife and the Believers in Ukraine.
Shops and supply stands on the streets of Mariupol.
Bro. Velodya and Sis. Olga Ivanov
Also there is a picture of Bro. Velodya Ivanov and his family in the Crimea today. He is there with family.
A small group of believer from the east of Ukraine is thanking brothers and sisters from US for the support financially and by prayer. "May the Lord Jesus Christ bless all of you . May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all . Shalom"
This is Sis. Anita from Central Ukraine. She had lived in Poland for two years but went home in January to renew her visa to live in Poland. During the waiting period the war began and she was forced to stay in Ukraine. Her family is still there.
Time to say goodbye.
Time to say goodbye.
These are photos we just received of Bro. Ivanov who has managed to leave Mariupol. This is miraculous because the Russians have city entirely surrounded and no one is allowed in or out.
Bro. Barry and Bro. Zalish.
Left to Right: Bro. Barry, Bro Jacek, Bro. Zalish, Bro. Dima, Bro. Todoush, Bro. Vitaly, Bro. Jeremy Clayville.
This is Sis. Lubov Mechnik one of the refugees from Ukraine. She has 4 boys under 6 years old and they are now living in a small one bedroom flat temporarily. I will tell you that these refugees have helped build my faith in a Living God even though I came to encourage them!
From Bro. Barry:
This was the first Believer refugee I was privileged to meet in Poland tonight, Sis. Luda (top left in below image). She told us her story and we are going to edit it for you all to hear. She moved us all to tears with her testimony of faith and perseverance and her atmosphere of trust in God. I will just include a few pictures of our first meeting and a “strategy” meeting with the Polish and Ukrainian brothers tonight.
Clockwise from top left: Sis. Luda, a Believer Refugee; Bro. Barry meeting Sis. Luda for an interview; Strategy meeting with Polish and Ukrainian brothers.
Bro. Barry Coffey and Bro. Jeremy Clayvile arrived in Poland.
Greetings to you all from Poland. We arrived safely this afternoon and we’re received by Bro. Jacek Walech. We are not near the Ukrainian border (about 400 km). We will be meeting with Believers (refugees) in the morning and tonight will be speaking with some brothers here who are involved with helping Believers relocate into Europe. The picture attached is myself and Bro. Jeremy Clayville from my church. God bless you all.
This is Mariupol, a beautiful coastal town on the Sea of Azov. Bro. Barry was in this city for a meeting only a few months ago, last September, 2021.
From Bro. Barry:
I was very concerned about a sister and her family from the church in Wosnessensk (not too far from Mykolajiv and Odessa), where many believers have left the area which is under attack as well. This family decided not to flee. I was able to make contact to the sister and was blessed by her answer. Maybe it can be a blessing to you also! I did not want to burden Bro. Sergey with the translation, thus I used DeepL to translate from Russian to English. Consequently, translation may not be perfect, but I trust you will understand the content.
"Hallelujah! Shalom to you brothers from Jesus Christ into your hearts!!!
It is very precious to read your thoughts, especially at a time like this. Very grateful to the Lord for those precious moments of our encounters around God's Word , Hallelujah ! Let me tell you about myself personally, when I was immersed or tasted the Message of the hour, I often thought about the fact that we are living in recent times and the Bride, like the Earth, needs to undergo a meltdown, (at first I was focused on character, I understood that the battlefield was my mind), I am very grateful to God for the Message of the Hour, that in it He gives comfort to my soul, it is my compass, my guide, my protection, my joy, Exodus 23: 20 . Psalm 50. Psalm 90. Hallelujah! I cherish these verses from the Bible!"
"A little about the family, my husband and I, my eldest son, his wife and baby son, and our grandson stayed in our house. A long-distance highway passes through our village, and green military equipment is already driving along it, and posts are fortified in some places. We live about 40 km away from Voznesensk, there were battles there, and we heard the sound of explosions, the earth was shaking, and recently rockets were flying low over our yard, they said later where they had hit. We were warned to cover all the windows of the house with thick cloths and turn off the lights in the evening, but thank God that in my heart the Light burns to meet the Bridegroom, Hallelujah! I don't know how it will be in the physical time, but in my heart I say "come Lord". Prepare us for the meeting, Hallelujah!
I wish you brothers Psalm 4:9!
I lie down and sleep in peace, for you, O Lord, are the only one who gives me security. Amen!
May the Lord be glorified in this closing time in our hearts, in our families, in our villages, in our children in the Bride, all over the face of the earth, Hallelujah!"
Family sheltering in the basement due to shelling around them during the night.
Scenes of bombing in Mariupol. Pictured is Bro. Ivanov.
Scenes of bombing in Mariupol.
From Bro. Barry:
God bless you this morning. I had to pass this along to you, the pictures above and this below is from Bro. Velodya Ivanov. The pictures are heartbreaking:
"Dear Brother Sergey every prayer for us is very precious. Keep praying for us. Like you said before most important is that we survive. Truly our faith is still strong, and I see it in our children, and see it on me. We are constantly in prayer day and night, and in the word. I will get in touch later because shelling is started."
From Vladimir Rybov, Donetsk:
Brother Barry, today we were able to receive and withdraw the $1000 that you've sent through the brothers. Thanks to you and all the saints who participated in response to the needs. Because of the circumstances many families cannot work. The brothers are trying to send more, but for now it is difficult to do. We send greetings and great thanks from Donetsk to you and the saint with you.
Update From Bro. Barry:
Finally we have received a word from Bro. Ivanov in Mariupol. He had been out of touch for 7 days:
March 12 – we moved to a sisters private house. Shootings and battles throughout the city. We have groceries and water for now. Please keep us in prayers, a rope tied in two is stronger.
Lord willing we will leave for Poland this coming Monday. I am taking a technical helper to try and capture interviews with the Ukrainian people. I will try and post some images and information from there.
Please remember us in prayer next. The enemy fights every step of the way!
2 Chrinicles 16:9
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…
Bro. Vlad preaching today in Uzgorod.
We are fine. Today we gathered at one sister's home for fellowship, and held a prayer service. The subject was about harvest time, about the sealing Angel from Ezekiel 9 in action today working at the same time as the Slaughtering angels operate.
The military police of the neighbouring DNR (Donetsk National Republic) were suddenly brought to the city. Everything is moving towards the fact that perhaps Melitopol will no longer be Ukraine. The scenario of Donetsk is being repeated. These are only our speculations, time will tell. The Lord has everything under control, so everyone is still fine. The main thing is that we already have a heavenly citizenship and belong to a heavenly country.
Shalom, by the grace of our Lord, we are fine, in Odessa, too, everything is still in place. Thank you so much for your prayers! God bless you!
All is well. Yesterday several rockets were fired at a civilian airport. There was another attempt to move heavy equipment towards us, but she was broken.
In the morning from 4:30 to 8:00 sirens howled, as it turned out later, they bombed Dnepr, Ivanofrankivsk and Lutsk with rockets.
And now everything is fine. Everyone is in a good mood and praising God.
At this time their family of 5 are staying in the family of brother Nikolai K. who is a pastor in the city of Chernovtsi in Western Ukraine.
One of Brother Sergey's sons Ilya was put to stay in a library of a local town school as the house of pastor Nikolai is already holding 14 people.
One of Brother Sergey's sons Ilya was put to stay in a library of a local town school as the house of pastor Nikolai is already holding 14 people.
The evening prayer of two families for peace in Ukraine.
Preparing trucks for Holland.
This is the truck leaving for Holland today.
45 pallets of food and supplies ready to go to Holland!
Sister in Zhytomyr bought baby food and medicine using funds brothers sending.
The brother from Voznesensk is still fleeing from their city (which was heavily bombarded) with 4 kids and his wife in his car.
He has been driving through long and enormously tiring roads and constant traffic jams (all people fleeing for the West of Ukraine) for 5 days now, he is the only one driving. Every village or town you are crossing has an armed forces checkpoint at the entrance and exit. So that totals to about 20 or more checks per day.
Dear brothers and sisters! We thank our Lord and thank you for your support. Thank you for helping our people who had to leave the city. Thank you for your prayers for us who stayed in the city. You are probably wondering what is going on with us. In short: there are four families that stayed behind plus three more sisters. We all live in different parts of the city. In view of the constant bombing from both armies, we do not see each other. We agreed to pray and listen to the Message together, at home, at a certain time, as well as call one another and write back and forth. As for food, we are still using the stored food that we managed to buy on the first day of the war. Today it is very difficult to buy food. Huge queues, no choice, high prices.
We thank our Lord Jesus Christ for everything. To Him be the honor, praise and glory!
Krivoy Rog:
The siren is going off on a regular basis, day and night creating the atmosphere of alertness. Planes are flying low. However, the believers are of very good cheer, resting on the Everlasting Arm of God, supporting one another with calls and messages.
The city is unique, it is 129 km long... How can you basically surround a city like that? No serious military moves have been made in this direction so far. The curfew is on, so only morning services are possible.
Melitopol / Fruktovoye:
This Sunday the believers were gathered for a service. Faith was high, new encouraging songs were composed by one of the sisters in the assembly. They heard about the "three frogs", the unclean spirits that try to affect the minds of the people through the media and propaganda on both sides.
The astounding fact is that believers stay in love and kindness even in a war like this. One of the believers felt sorry for the soldiers who spent day and night in this occupied city, and shared their food.
Those who have vehicles and can get some fuel -- try to share whatever food they have with the other believers. A special time of unity and mutual help.
The city is closed -- you can not get in or out. Food supplies are still not coming in, so they are trying to buy food on open markets, if any.
Their testimony is that even children have no fear. They can see that their parents are in total Peace and this creates the right atmosphere for the kids, despite the panicking neighbours or people around. The believers are the true Peace-makers there.
Vladymir Ryabov, Pastor of Donetsk church.
"We greet you, brothers, with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We really appreciate your sacrifice and the financial assistance that you send to help believers who find themselves in a difficult situation due to military hostilities in Ukraine. God bless you for your help and participation in the needs of the saints.
A few years before the current events, God gave inspiration and supernaturally helped us to have meetings for the ministers of the Evening Message, regardless of who and how understands the Word of God or the Message given by God. Brothers from various "directions in the Message" or interpretations met together. They talked about brotherly love and many other things. Sometimes we argued, sometimes we agreed with each other, but everything was in a good Spirit and with mutual respect. And it didn't matter how people believe in the Message, how they understand it or how they interpret it - we have gathered together more than once in recent years. As a result of these communications, we have a group in the Viber messenger (the most common in our countries), for ministers from Ukraine, where we continue to maintain communication up to this day. Especially in these difficult days, we support each other, communicate, exchange information, and pray for each other. There are more than thirty ministers in this group: pastors, elders, preachers, assistant pastors.
The outbreak of the war in Ukraine caused many believers to face unemployment, were forced to take refuge in shelters or move to a safe place. The situation is still tense and dangerous in many cities.
When offers of help began to come to us in Donetsk, knowing from the rest of the ministers from the group in Ukraine that very many are in the same position as us, we decided to choose brothers who could centrally take care of receiving and evenly distributing money transfers to those in need.
We have chosen two brothers who are now engaged in the collection and distribution of funds depending on the needs. They are known to everyone among the brotherhood in Ukraine, and they know all the churches and what needs anyone has. They make lists, keep records and distribute money. These are Brother Oleg Y. from Kiev and Brother Konstantin T. from Chortkiv, Western Ukraine.
Bro Oleg is a faithful assistant to Pastor Andrey Izbash from Kiev, he is well acquainted with accounting and finance. All the brothers also know Brother Oleg well as a good Christian. Later, Ruslan Krinitsky joined them in this work. Bro Ruslan is one of the assistants of Pastor Andrey Izbash in the Kiev church.
We announced about the brothers and their work to help believers in need in the ministry group. At the moment, they look for contacts of believers and offer help and send money regardless of how people believe in the Message, how they understand it or how they interpret it - this is not taken into account at all in this situation.
We don't have a complete picture - where, how, to whom or through whom else donations are received to the believers. We act based on the communication and the connections that we have among the ministers of this Message in Ukraine, according to what we know about each other in what situation things are.
May God bless you for your sacrifices and help to the believers of Ukraine in these difficult times.
Donetsk Church, Pastor Vladimir Ryabov"
From left to right: Kostya Timoshenko, Ruslan Krynicky, Oleg Udalevich.
"God bless you, brother Barry. Here is some information about work that is going on in Ukraine with distributing funds you are sending.
Most of the ministers in Ukraine agreed to trust this job to brother Oleg U. and brother Kostya T. Oleg is a deacon in Kyiv church. His family crossed the border and heading to Germany. He came back to a small city of Chertkov (western part of Ukraine). Brother Kostya is also a minister well know among Russian-speaking brothers. I’m sure you met this brothers during your last trip to Ukraine. Now, brother Ruslan Krynicky from Kyiv joined this team as a technician guy. All of them are staying in a small city, that is one of the safest spots in Ukraine now.
First couple days they spent creating the contact list of all groups, ministers and isolated believers all over the Ukraine. Does not matter how do you believe, do you keep fellowship or not, what kind of church are you streaming. They are trying to include all known believers in Ukraine. They are establishing connections with groups and believers that did not have fellowship for years.
They are sending funds starting from the areas that is already impacted by this invasion. Believers in occupied and frontline area are getting calls and transfers first. As brother Oleg shared, they finished first round and now they are calling believers region by region.
Pastors in Ukraine have different WhatsApp Groups and they are sharing this information and encouraging believers to contact Oleg and Kostya and keep in touch with them.
From our side we asked brothers to keep records of all transactions and start sending statements on the regular basis. They will be sending information about funds recipients soon."
This is Bro. Taras and his family who live near Odessa, Ukraine. This photo was taken in better times!
One family from Ukraine - mother with daughter and granddaughter arriving in Poland.
Apart from the presented needs for Uschgorod please allow me to share some information on the activities from our brother Sergej Polski. As I mentioned previously, originally, he is from Ukraine, living in Germany since years with his family, being a deacon in the Church of Bieselsberg.
Sergej is working on two ends. He is coordinating financial support for Ukrainian believers via the pastor of a church near Czernowitz, not too far from the Romanian border. They are in close contact. I know this pastor also personally very well.
Furthermore, Sergej is taking care about Ukrainian believers who are fleeing from the country. Going with them through all the necessary local formalities, organizing shelter, provide necessary personal things for the believers, etc.
I guess you all have seen following picture which was made in Romania. Except the sister with the red jacket and the brother at the right side of the picture, these believers will be taken care of by Sergej and the first group should have arrived today. Next family to be expected coming Wednesday.
The believers in Donetsk say that several city areas are being bombarded. "Grad" ground-to-ground rockets sounding within hearing distance. Psychologically it is a nasty sound, brings a lot of negative emotions and discouragement. Please, pray for the believers that they would also be restored in their peace of mind under such a mental aggression attacks...
In the face of total mobilization (call to active military duty) Pastor Ryabov can sometimes move around the city only because he is older than 55 years old. Also, if you have 4 or more children you would be exempt (which several families in the church are). Other than that you better not show up outside, as you can be drafted in any location and taken to the military department the same minute.
After a few days of no communication a family of believers from Rubezhny, Luhansk district have reported that they are hiding in the basement of a house as bombardment takes place around. A missile hit a neighboring house. They covet your prayers.
Vitaly & Family
This was the last picture I received from bro Vitali, he was on his way to preach in their church yesterday. The place is blocking communication since today. The believers gathered together for service in a home, also for a prayer meeting. Passing thru the "corridor," of military vehicles.
We have not heard from him since their service on Sunday.
From one of our Translators:
"Communication with Melitopol, Fruktovoye, Mariupol was completely lost - both telephone and Internet, email as well. A brother from neighbouring Zaporozhye confirmed that even from Zaporozhye he could not contact them, as everything was completely blocked by the new authorities. Whatever support was sent to those places - it was very timely as nothing can be done now...until the communication reappears again which can take weeks or longer.
Thank you for the quick reaction to the needs of God's children."
Support was very timely and now almost all believers there lost communication. Even local calls. The only one sister has internet connection right now. It’s text only. I just texted her. She said all of them are safe. Yesterday they were able to have service together. Roads are open between believers with extra military check points. Almost all gas stations are destroyed or out of gas. They will use cars in case of need only.
These are 2 groups of Believers from Ukraine who have crossed the border into Poland. They are at the church of Bro. Jacek. Lord willing I will be traveling there soon to gather together with these Believers and the churches that are supporting them.
It is very possible that Melitopol will follow the Donetsk/Luhansk scenario. In this case their bank accounts may be blocked or frozen in the long run.
The good news is that some of the shops started functioning and accepting CARD payment (cash only until now). Which means that your transfers can help them at least buy groceries while they can.
The situation over there in Melitopol and the surrounding areas is getting more uncertain. The Russian armies took control of the city and are trying to replace the local administration and police, etc. People are against it and are trying to stop the military vehicles (see video).
Here is a prayer request given to me by one of our translators in Lithuania:
Dear brethren, here’s a prayer request from brother Oleg Petrenko – the pastor in Voznesensk, Ukraine. Their city has been surrounded. He and his entire family (4 children) are trying to get evacuated from the city and move toward the Western Ukraine. All believers from his assembly have already moved out. On the way, the car of a certain brother (with 3 children) broke down and the engine wouldn’t start. Besides, it is snowing there. He asked to uphold them in prayer.
Mariupol - outside the home of Volodya Ivanov.
Mariupol - outside the home of Volodya Ivanov.
Mariupol - outside the home of Volodya Ivanov.
Female Ukrainian volunteer fighters received weapons training in Kyiv as they prepare to confront the Russian forces near the city. - The New York Times
This is a testimony given by on of the Sisters in Donetsk. I have put the testimony below just in their own words:
One of our sisters lives in the north-eastern part of Donetsk, in the area where shells can sometimes fly. Five days ago, she was riding a bus home from the city center and suddenly, without realizing what she was doing, she got off the bus at one of the stops. She didn't understand herself why she did it. She waited for the next bus and drove on to her destination. When she arrived, she saw people running in panic. It turned out that the shell exploded near the bus stop where she had to wait for a transfer to the next transport. And if she hadn't gotten off the previous bus, she would have been near the epicenter of the explosion. She works at the school as a cleaner. Yesterday, 15 minutes after she left work, a shell flew near the school and damaged the building. She again glorified the God who had preserved her. As far as I know there are no victims in both cases.
These are some photos of materials being gathered and loaded on trucks in Europe (Holland, Germany, etc.) for the Saints in Poland and Romania. We are attempting to try and get supplies into Uzhgerod, Ukraine, to set up a kind of “distribution center” where packages will be distributed further into Ukraine. We understand that food and supplies are still in stores in the west of Ukraine although that is changing rapidly as there are more than a million people heading towards the western borders. They are also gathering Ukrainian Bibles for the people.
In Romania, near the border is a Message church, not very rich but is willing to accept refugees. In Wosnessensk (about 600kms from Uzhgerod), a poor church, they are in much need, the Russians have or have nearly taken that area today, and there are lots of little congregations around there consisting of 2 or 3 families).
God bless you all.
One of the border crossing points in Poland this morning.
"Bro Alex drove Bro Pavel from Krivojy to Vinnitsa, Ukraine yesterday. He is a local brother. It took them 13 hours to drive 400 km, they passed through 30 military check points and waited in huge lines of cars. No petrol on gas stations hardly."
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. These are children in a basement in the town of Kirovograd today. The parents are Aleksandra and Valiy. Pray for them.
"Brother Sergey thank you for your labor. Thankful to brother Berry and all the christians that participated in helping in a such a difficult time. Receive thanks from my family. Shalom brother! Want to personally thank you for helping us. Bro Oleg has sent us funds a few times. We bought food and some medicine that should last for some time. How timely the help was! Now stores are getting emptier. We are staying home and not leaving the house for long times. The siren goes off all the time in town. But around us it has been stable. We wanted to leave the area and go somewhere else but so far we weren't able to purchase diesel. And maybe we will just stay home, this is the trial we must face. Thank you very much for the help. I couldn't imagine how would we make it without you now. We have no savings or income. Please pass our gratitude to bro Berry and others who helped our needs. To us that is precious! Thank you! May the Lord bless you and give you back for everything"
Empty shelves at grocery stores.
A family of Believers sheltering inside a basement for protection from the cold and missile attacks.
Greetings bro Sergey, thanks for the financial support from bro Berry and all the brothers and sisters who stand shoulder to shoulder. Bro Oleg says "we will try to go out for groceries when it's quiet around".
Last night the Russian tanks entered the city and there was a big battle. People caught thieves and such in the night then tied them to a post/pull and committed their own judgment upon those people. May the Lord richly bless you and all that are participating in financial help, right now it is a Great help to us...
Brother Sergey thank you for your labor. Thankful to brother Berry and all the christians that participated in helping in a such a difficult time. Receive thanks from my family.
God bless you all this evening.
The situation in Ukraine is intensifying. Several Pastors report shooting and bombings all around them.
One brother said:
Specific places being targeted … mostly ( where the weapons is )..and bombs reaching houses and apartments … schools, kindergartens.
Just heard from bro Oleg in Voznesensk:
Shalom! Things here are the same as in all of Ukraine, but so far a little quieter than where the tanks are riding .. Only our airport was fully bombed and 90 km from us there are battles going on in Nikolaev. If Nikolaev is captured, we are next city on their way..thanks for the prayers and everything. God bless you..
News from Tchernigov by their minister, bro Dmitry:
Our city is surrounded. There's been shooting all day today. Stores are empty. There are almost no products. Only bread. Cash terminals do not work. Just remember in your prayers.
In Kharkov, fighting from the outskirts is moving towards the center. Destruction, casualties. Difficult situation.
I have found a satisfactory method of channeling funds into the hands of Believers and funds have already been sent and received. Most transactions can still be done online using different currencies and so far it has been successful. I am trying to send as much as possible before these systems are shut down.
Many thanks to those who have sent funds already.
I have seen footage of tanks rolling past Believer’s homes in various cities today. Most footage was taken by cell phones while leaning out a window. It must be pretty frightening for the public there.
Over half a million people now are streaming towards the Polish and Slovak borders including several Believers. I have been in contact with Believers on the other side of those borders to coordinate places of refuge for those fleeing Ukraine. Some of the German churches are offering some places to stay.
Keep them all in prayer. That’s what they always ask for.
- The Impossible Suddenly Became Possible (Apple News)
- Putin's Nuclear Threats in Ukraine War - Here's How US, Allies Must Respond (Hudson)
- Israeli Special Forces Veterans Arrived in Ukraine (Odessa Journal)
- China/Russia Relationship and Ukraine (The Washington Post)
- Biden, Europe Revoke Russia's Trade Status (LA Times)
- Economic Blacklist of Russia Marks New Low For Globalization (WSJ)
- We Are On The Brink Of Surviving War With Russia, Says Zelensky (BBC)
I have been given the following two documents by a Believer who is part of a group of professional communicators around the world working with agencies in Ukraine associated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine. Their goal is to help disseminate factual information on what is happening in that country currently. This information isn’t specific to Believers but it is reliable and not typical news. I will provide more of these as they become available.
From Bro. Barry:
The video below is from Bro. Slava. He and his wife and daughter are in a field making this video to thank everyone for their financial support. He is the brother who had TB a number of years ago and was completely healed. He lives in a town near Bro. Ivanov.
"Brother Slava (Furmanovka, Ukraine) Shalom saints!
We decided to personally thank you from our family for your prayers. Because prayers have the power to change the circumstances. And as Jesus said: "pray that your flight be not in the winter or on the sabbath day." The power of prayer to remove or to redirect a rocket or an army, we believe it! We are thankful for your financial support. It is very effective. We are not trying to change anything, because Jesus did not say, "Pray that Titus would not come here at all." Because the prophecy must be fulfilled. We thank everyone who has been helping all the saints in Ukraine until now, because truly it is a difficult time. May God help you also so you would not see or experience the same things. But for all things, there is the will of God. Each one has their own path appointed by God. May God bless you. Some know us and some don't. We are happy that we have one another. May God bless you and God be with you. Bro. Slava"
"Dear Friends in Christ, we thank You from the bottom of our hearts for Your support in these difficult times of trial, that we have in Ukraine. Your prayers, care and material help are a very great support to us.
Jesus said : 'Whatsoever you do for these little us, you have done it for me', so all that you do for the little ones - you have done for our Lord Jesus Christ! May the Lord bless You!"
A note from a family inside Ukraine. We have to be very careful not to disclose locations: We thank you, brothers and sisters, for helping our family. May the Lord reward you. The family of sister Vika.
This is a post I received from Bro. Vitaly in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a translator and is helping with communication between myself and the Believers in Ukraine. He sent this today:
"The Believers recorded this a few hours ago in Vinnitsya, Ukraine. They wanted to send heartfelt words of gratitude to you and everyone who is giving funds and showing concern for them."
Donate to help the Believers in Ukraine and those outside the border working to provide shelter and supplies to those migrating out of the country.