The Maasai are a tribal people who have lived in the country of Tanzania for centuries. Mostly known as cattle herders, they are people of the land, very ritualistic in their ways and holding their tribal traditions in high regard. To some, they would seem unreachable. But our God's ways are higher.

Recently, missionaries Bro. Malachi and Bro. Elibariki- traveling by motorbikes that were purchased with funds from the donations of Believers all over the US- visited the city of Loliondo, Tanzania. There the Lord opened the door for them to witness to this small group of warriors and teach them from the scriptures. The sacrifices and efforts made by these brothers to share the gospel resulted in 3 baptisms among this group.

God certainly knows those that are His, and He knows exactly how and when to strike the Seed that lays within the heart of the Elected. When you pray today, join with us in asking that God would continue to open the eyes of this group of people to His Word.

May God bless every prayer spoken, every offering given, and every laborer in the field. It is never in vain.